Handling Inbound Emails in Laravel

Handling Inbound Emails in Laravel

19 Mar 2020 4 min read

Setting up sending emails using laravel is very simple, but what if you need to receive incoming emails.

In this case, use the Laravel Mailbox package. Laravel Mailbox supports Mailgun, Postmark, Sendgrid and Local (for development).

Here we want to tell about the process of setting up incoming messages using Sendgrid.

The Laravel Mailbox website explains in an accessible way how to install a library in a Laravel project. You also need to add the Sendgrid driver. I will use laravel-sendgrid-driver.

We configure sending letters through Sengrid, according to their documentation, only as MAIL_DRIVER write sendgrid.

Now let’s start setting up receiving emails.

We write these variables in our .env file:


MAILBOX_HTTP_USERNAME – can be any username. The default is “laravel-mailbox”, leave it as it is.

MAILBOX_HTTP_PASSWORD – must be a random password that will be used to identify access rights to the incoming message.

To generate MAILBOX_HTTP_PASSWORD, open a terminal and enter the following command.

openssl rand -hex 32

We create a random string, which will be used as MAILBOX_HTTP_PASSWORD.


Now it is time to use the Sendgrid instruction to configure the sending of incoming email to our laravel application.

After you have created the domain responsible for receiving emails, it is time to add the web route from our project, where we want to be delivered to our messages.

The web route should have the following structure:


YOUR-USERNAME is the username that you defined in the MAILBOX_HTTP_USERNAME variable.


YOUR-DOMAIN – the domain of your application (like example.com).

Based on the foregoing, our web route will look like


It is this address that needs to be inserted into the Destination URL field in the Sendgrid webhook settings panel


don’t forget to check the box for POST the raw, full MIME message.

Now you can return to the project and complete the Laravel Mailbox setup. In the project, go to the AppServiceProvider class and add the following code

public function boot()
Mailbox::catchAll(function(InboundEmail $email) {
// Work with incoming email   });

This is all you need to receive incoming mail in Laravel. All letters will be stored in the mailbox_inbound_emails table of our project automatically. If you want to add your logic to the processing of letters, then the function described above is the place where all this can be implemented.

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